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Benchmarking utility strike avoidance in the UK!
Annually, an estimated 4 million excavations are conducted in the UK. Each of these run the risk of damaging a vast and growing network of underground services.

Striking underground services is a high safety risk for workers and for the public. Each year lives are lost due to lack of safety precautions. The implications on society from interrupted service can also be severe.

To investigate the state of the UK industry, a team of three leading UK trade organisations - Street Works UK, JAG(UK) and CECA - teamed up with Geomatikk, an international specialist in providing solutions to avoid strikes.

The organisations asked their members anonymously what behaviours are experienced during excavation. The results uncovered a number of unsafe or inefficient practices. It also flagged widely different views between contractors and asset owners on key issues.

These findings are presented in a report. To download the report, please click the button below!